There's a GQ article from 1995 that's been making its way around the Internet. It's a good example of the nostalgia that’s circulating right now. This happens with fashion every 10 years or so. Today's trends are reinventing trends from the 1990s.  

Growing up in Missoula in the 1990s, and then moving back in the 2020s, I often have “Twilight Zone” moments where I see a corner of town and a memory flashes of something I remember from way back when, and then I’m in the present again and something shiny and new is there instead. 

Thanks to YouTube, we can all hop in a time machine and get a glimpse of what Missoula was like in the 1990s. 

Maybe it's just because I was a kid, but the 90s felt like the era of sledding in Missoula. That joy is apparent in this video. I'm told in the years that I was away from Montana, this city cracked down on sledding because people were doing it in inappropriate places. 

It's also nice to see traditions that have continued for a long time, like the Wild Walk. And I'll admit I am too afraid to watch this video all the way through because I'm afraid I'll see embarrassing footage of myself as a child. 

And then there is a video that just shows driving around Missoula on a wintery day. Do you remember those iconic teal awnings on the bridge? And the First Interstate Bank building may not have even been an inkling yet. Seeing The Bon Marche, too, brings back memories of holiday shopping.  

What do you remember about Missoula in the 1990s? What stuck out to you the most? 

Things You'd Find in Every 90s Home Back in the Day

The tell-tale signs of a home in the '90s.

Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman

LOOK: How Many of These Discontinued Millennial Munchies Do You Remember?

You'll have better luck paying off your student loans than finding these discontinued snacks in stores.

Gallery Credit: Meg Dowdy

Do You Remember These Nostalgic '90s Cartoons?

Grab the Gushers, we're about to look at those cartoons you binge-watched after school.

Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman

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