Missoula County Explores New Water System Partnership At The WyeMissoula County Explores New Water System Partnership At The WyeThe meeting will be on Thursday at 2:00 p.m. in the Sophie Moiese Room in the Missoula County Courthouse.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Rounding Up Safety Ideas for the Lolo CorridorRounding Up Safety Ideas for the Lolo CorridorDiscover how the Montana Department of Transportation is proposing safety measures on Highway 93 to reduce accidents and improve traffic flow.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg
Youth and Marijuana Use: Addressing the Risks in MissoulaYouth and Marijuana Use: Addressing the Risks in MissoulaThere are 55 dispensaries in Missoula and public health says we should have a maximum of 12.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula County Answers Questions About Property Tax PaymentsMissoula County Answers Questions About Property Tax PaymentsThere is a new system of splitting up your property taxes into several equal payments.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula County Commissioner Wants a TEDD at Grant Creek CrossingMissoula County Commissioner Wants a TEDD at Grant Creek CrossingSlotnick explained how the development of the district would be funded.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula Residents: Do You Need a Permit for That New Shed? Missoula Residents: Do You Need a Permit for That New Shed? Rules are slightly different for sheds depending on whether you live in Missoula city limits or in Missoula county. AshleyAshley
Montana Sees Red as GOP Sweeps 2024Montana Sees Red as GOP Sweeps 2024Montana Senate race update: GOP candidate Sheehy maintains lead over Tester. Tester sees gains in Missoula but trailing in other regions.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg
Missoula County Allocates $1.3 Million For the VulnerableMissoula County Allocates $1.3 Million For the VulnerableMissoula County distributes over $1 million annually to help support those less fortunate in the community.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Helping 'Justice-Involved' People Find Housing in MissoulaHelping 'Justice-Involved' People Find Housing in MissoulaThey are trying to break the cycles of homelessness and incarceration.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Would You Like to Adopt a Montana Bridge?Would You Like to Adopt a Montana Bridge?Interested in preserving a Missoula Valley icon? The Maclay Bridge adoption program offers a unique opportunity. Dennis BraggDennis Bragg