Watch Out For Delays On Broadway
The City Of Missoula and a construction crew are replacing a water main on the south side of St. Patrick's Hospital, and Broadway will be reduced to two lanes until September.
The construction zone extends from Scott St. west to May St, and crews will work mostly in the daytime, however the two lane access on Broadway will remain in place until the new water main is in place and crews have repaved the street.
The construction zone looking east on Broadway in Missoula. Eastbound drivers will use the shoulder and westbound drivers will use the lane on the north side of the bike lane.
The City of Missoula anticipated that if the giant pipe fell into worse condition, it would require more expensive and more time-consuming repairs, and a new pipe will reduce the amount of water leakage. The old line is in poor condition, and since there's more developments on the horizon in the Riverfront Triangle, it's a high priority project for Missoula Water.
Please exercise caution and SLOW DOWN on W Broadway in the meantime!