WATCH Yellowstone Tourists Use Child as Shield From Bison Charge
WOW! JUST...WOW! Yellowstone National Park has just recently reopened its doors. After devastating flooding and damage to much of the park, the NPS has miraculously reopened portions of the park. After so many complaints from tourists who had planned family outings in the park, their vacation plans may still come true. But, the flood of people to the park is insane. The number of tourists trying to make their way into the park has created traffic jams at the few entrances that are open.
The park has a system they are currently using to minimize the flow of traffic making its way into the park. Letting everyone in at one time could cause more problems than the park is already dealing with. Currently, the park is letting vehicles in based on their license plate numbers. Plates with odd numbers on their plates get in on odd days. Plates with even numbers get in on even days. Customized plates are allowed in on odd days and motorcycles are allowed in on even days.
It seems that the entrance exam into the park shouldn't be based on license plates, but maybe simple common sense in regards to wildlife.
Only a few days into Yellowstone National Park's reopening, the idiots are surfacing online. The web is becoming flooded with Los Angeles-style traffic jams in the park...Because of a bear eating a flower. Or a group of elk bathing in a creek. But, the "tourons" are back and with a vengeance. (NOTE: "Touron" is a term used to describe a tourist that has NO RESPECT for wildlife or laws of nature)
Just recently, a video has surfaced online showing a group of "tourons" approaching a 1-ton bison in Yellowstone National Park. As a father and an outdoorsman, the most infuriating part of this following video is that a child was involved with the ignorance of the adults. As well as the fact that the child was clearly used as a shield to defend an adult from a bison charge.
We, who know better, like to scoff about these people. But, it is getting disrespectful. Almost like people are treating the possibility of being gored by a bison or elk as a thrill. DO BETTER...OR GO HOME. YNP NEEDS A BREAK FROM IDIOTS!
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